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gdahilig #1
Member since Jun 2006 · 19 posts · Location: Pasadena,CA
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Subject: Avatars, VCards, and Threading

I have an interesting issue:  After I have sent the jabber server my presence information, I receive a presence stanza for a given contact.  From the presence stanza I check my hash value for the avatar and, finding that my avatar is old (hash values don't match), I request a new vcard for the affected contact.  Here's where it gets funny.  At this point, I *never*  receive a vcard response until another message comes thru the connection.  When something comes, and it could be another presence stanza or a chat message, only then does the vcard response 'pop out.'  I've found that the source of the triggering message doesn't seem to matter. 

The following XMPP trace is generated while I do:
  • Query for Agents
  • Request Roster
  • Send my presence

XMPP Write:
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" id="agsXMPP_3" type="get" to="padfoot"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:agents" /></iq>

XMPP Write:
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" id="agsXMPP_4" type="get"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster" /></iq>

XMPP Read:
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="padfoot" id="agsXMPP_3" to="viking1@padfoot/Viking" type="error"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:agents" /><error code="501"
type="cancel"><feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" /></error></iq>

XMPP Read:
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" id="agsXMPP_4" to="viking1@padfoot/Viking" type="result"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"><item subscription="both" jid="mini2@padfoot" /><item subscription="both" jid="miranda1@padfoot" name="Miranda1" /></query></iq>

XMPP Write:
<presence xmlns="jabber:client"><status>Online</status><priority>10</priority></presence>

XMPP Read:
<presence xmlns="jabber:client" from="mini2@padfoot/MiniClient" to="viking1@padfoot/Viking"><status /><priority>10</priority></presence>

XMPP Read:
<presence xmlns="jabber:client" from="miranda1@padfoot/Miranda" to="viking1@padfoot/Viking"><priority>0</priority><x
xmlns="jabber:x:avatar"><hash>0ce2de4dcce0ee2939089566b65d295c3bd07a97</hash></x><status>Yep, I'm here.</status></presence>

At this point, I catch the fact that I've been given an avatar hash code, I check it and find that mine is out of date, so I request for an updated vcard:

XMPP Write:
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" id="[b]agsXMPP_5[/b]" type="get" to="miranda1@padfoot"><vCard xmlns="vcard-temp" /></iq>

XMPP Read:
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="miranda1@padfoot/Miranda" to="viking1@padfoot/Viking" type="get"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:version" /></iq>

The subsequent <iq> stanza comes in right after the previous write.  From this point, the application just sits there waiting.  It's not really in a deadlocked state, although.  The gui is active, but as I said earlier, as soon as another xmpp stanza comes it, things start flowing again.  In this particular case, I have another client (one who did not generate the previous prescence w/ avatar hash) go into an 'away'  state.  As soon as I do that, I immediately get the vcard response, followed by the presence stanza.

XMPP Read:
<iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="miranda1@padfoot" id="[b]agsXMPP_5[/b]" to="viking1@padfoot/Viking" type="result"><vCard xmlns="vcard-temp"><FN>Rocko Rox</FN><N><GIVEN>Rocko</GIVEN><MIDDLE/><FAMILY>Rox</FAMILY></N><NICKNAME>miranda1</NICKNAME><BDAY>2000-01-01</BDAY><GENDER>Male</GENDER><ADR><HOME /><STREET>10101 herecomesthestick way</STREET> <EXTADR>#101</EXTADR> <EXTADD>#101</EXTADD><LOCALITY>Northridge</LOCALITY> <REGION>ca</REGION> <PCODE>91326</PCODE> <CTRY>USA</CTRY> <COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY> </ADR><ADR><WORK/> <STREET>liverallover street</STREET><EXTADR /><EXTADD/> <LOCALITY>Northridge</LOCALITY> <REGION>CA</REGION> <PCODE>91326</PCODE> <CTRY>USA</CTRY> <COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY> </ADR><ORG><ORGNAME>BeatingContinuously, Inc</ORGNAME> <ORGUNIT>DuckDuckOwch</ORGUNIT> </ORG><TITLE>Mr.</TITLE> <ROLE>All-Around Beat-up sort of guy</ROLE> <URL></URL>  <DESC>asdfasdfasddfasdf</DESC> <PHOTO><TYPE>image/bmp</TYPE> <BINVAL>Qk0KAgAAAAAAADYAAAAoAAAACwAAAA0AAAABABgAAAAAANQBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAonRqnG5mmW1ppH99t5qav6amt5qaoXx7kWZljV9ejF5dAAAAq3xv/fLn9Nq/+uHJ/////////////tau/8KF/7x5jV9eAAAAtYd5/Pfw4b+Y69fBGiOmERaaCQyR6NW+2riR/8KFkWZlAAAAxZ+P/Pz5/Pr3/Pv4JDCyDDffERaa/Pbt/eza/tato

XMPP Read:
<presence xmlns="jabber:client" from="mini2@padfoot/MiniClient" to="viking1@padfoot"><show>away</show><status /><priority>10</priority></presence>

You'll notice the vcard response finally comes in, quickly followed by the presence stanza from the other user.  It certainly sounds like some issue with threading, but it doesn't look like a full deadlock situation.
So, here are my questions:

1) Is there something I could be doing that is clogging up the xmpp queue?
2) If so, how is it then that it only stops (as far as I know) just vcard responses.?
3) The <iq> stanza that comes in right before the big pause, is there something I'm supposed to do with it? 
4) Am I supposed to respond some way it? Otherwise, am I forcing the library into a "wait-for-response" state from the libraries?
5) Should I wait until a more appropriate time?  How would I do that?  Not wait() or sleep() I hope :)  
6) Since the level I'm handling the the presence stanza is at the "XMPP connection level" (i.e. agsXMPP.XmppClientConnection OnPresence() handler) I don't have a form or window in which to do an Invoke().  Is there another way?
7) Any suggestions on how I might further debug?

Sorry for being so verbose.  I wanted to make sure I presented the problem as clearly as possible.  Looking forward to your response...


Jabberer #2
Member since Feb 2006 · 249 posts
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Hello Gene,

this looks like the old well known jabberd server problem. Are you using jabberd as your server software?
jabberd 1.x exactly has this problem with some stanzas. We had this problem often with messages that contain data forms.
There is nothing in agsXMPP which would block a incoming stanza.
Software Developer
gdahilig #3
Member since Jun 2006 · 19 posts · Location: Pasadena,CA
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Hello Jabberer,

I'm using Wildfire 3.0.1.  Interestingly enough, neither of the other client I tried (miniclient and miranda) had the same problem.  I'll continue testing and see if I can narrow the problem down.  Let me know if you have any suggestion on what to try next.  Thanks!

Alex #4
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you can debug agsXMPP and set a breakpoint in ClientSocket where data is received from the socket. ClientSocket.cs is using async sockets, and if it doesn't receive data then the server doesn't send any. If data is received it gets processed. I see no reason why it could block.

gdahilig #5
Member since Jun 2006 · 19 posts · Location: Pasadena,CA
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re: no reason to block

Excellent! That's good to hear.  I debug the socket and see it looks.  Thanks!

gdahilig #6
Member since Jun 2006 · 19 posts · Location: Pasadena,CA
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It looks like a server anomaly, tho I don't understand why.  I tried it against our corporate server and it doesn't appear to be reproducible.  So, I'm moving forward... 

Using the new server, I've gotten my app use JEP-0153 avatars, but now, I'm trying to use JEP-0008 avatars.  Using the following code:

    AvatarIq iqAvatarRequest = new AvatarIq(IqType.get, new Jid(presence.From.Bare));
    this.Connection.IqGrabber.SendIq(iqAvatarRequest, new IqCB(ResponseAvatarIQ), null);

But the IQ that gets sent is:

<iq xmlns="jabber:client" id="agsXMPP_7" type="get" to=""><query xmlns="storage:client:avatar" /></iq>

Shouldn't the namespace be "jabber:iq:avatar"?  How do I change it? or am I using the the wrong call(s)? 

Alex #7
Member since Feb 2003 · 4449 posts · Location: Germany
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There are multiple JEP's for avatar, therefor also multiple Avatar classes in the SDK.
I think you are looking for: but currently using

gdahilig #8
Member since Jun 2006 · 19 posts · Location: Pasadena,CA
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From what I can see, and please correct me if I don't understand, the class is used for receiving IQs.  Sending IQs requires me to use an IQ object derived.

<iq xmlns="jabber:client" id="agsXMPP_7" type="get" to="">
<query xmlns="storage:client:avatar" /></iq>

I'm having trouble trying to figure out how I would generate this IQ.  Do you anyone else here have any sample code?  Either code for this IQ or instructions/samples on how I could create my own IQ to send would be great!  Thanks!

Alex #9
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  1. iqAvatarRequest = new, new Jid(presence.From.Bare));
  2. this.Connection.IqGrabber.SendIq(iqAvatarRequest, new IqCB(ResponseAvatarIQ), null);

is this what you are looking for? If not please post the XML you want to send.

gdahilig #10
Member since Jun 2006 · 19 posts · Location: Pasadena,CA
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Ok!  I think I figure out what my problem was.  If you look at message #6, I was not fully qualifying the AvatarIq namespace and was getting the wrong results.  But once I added the full namespace ("") it works like a charm.

Thanks for clarifying the code for me!

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